Papier-mache version of the Statue of Liberty. Liberty is Latina and carries a cornucopia of tomatoes instead of a tablet. Instead of a torch, she holds a tomato aloft in her hand.
learn more about Immokalee Statue of Liberty by Kat Rodriguez
Romaine Brooks portrays herself in the dark colors of a man's outfit, her eyes veiled under the shadow of her hat brim.
learn more about "Self-Portrait" by Romaine Brooks, 1923 
Two life-size colored pencil drawings of the same woman in two outfits - one conservative, one colorful and form-fitting - flank a mirror where the viewer can see themselves reflected in the middle.
learn more about "Las Tres Marías" by Judith Baca, 1976
Metal pruning shears with a red plastic grip.
learn more about Michelle Obama's Pruning Shears
An Alpha Kappa Alpha metal pin with a pin back. The pin is a circular gold ring with gold ivy leaves at center. The bottom portion of the circle has "A K A" on it and a diamond, while the top half of the pin has lettering that reads "Alpha Kappa Alpha."
learn more about Pin for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority's 75th Anniversary
Outdoor scene of an incarceration camp, including telephone wires across the camp, two dwelling units, and a row of trees. There are no people pictured.
learn more about Kay Sekimachi's Painting of Tanforan Incarceration Camp
Colorful quilt depicting Mary Moran of Harris Neck, Georgia, and Baindu Jabati, a Mende woman of Sierra Leone, standing at a graveside. Strips of African fabrics frame the quilt.
learn more about Dorothy Montgomery's "A Wa Ka" Quilt
Wooden hatchet featuring art of the turtle, bluebird, rooster, and swallow.
learn more about Women’s Christian Temperance Union Hatchet
Wedding dress with high collar, a jacket with long sleeves, and many ruffles.
learn more about Susette La Flesche's Wedding Dress
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