Kay WalkingStick Symposium 08 - Janet Berlo

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National Museum of the American Indian
Video Title
Kay WalkingStick Symposium 08 - Janet Berlo
The symposium Seizing the Sky: Redefining American Art commemorates the opening of the major retrospective Kay WalkingStick: An American Artist, on view at the National Museum of the American Indian through September 18, 2016. In celebrating the work of Kay WalkingStick (Cherokee), the symposium and exhibition offer a fresh perspective on American art. In this segment, Janet Berlo, University of Rochester, speaks on "Erotic Topographies in the Work of Kay WalkingStick." Janet Catherine Berlo is professor of Art History and Visual and Cultural Studies at the University of Rochester. She holds a PhD from Yale University. She has written numerous books and articles on Native North American Art, including the influential Native North American Art survey (1998; revised edition 2015), the catalogue for the traveling exhibit Plains Indian Drawings 1865-1935 (1998), and Spirit Beings and Sun Dancers: Black Hawk’s Vision of the Lakota World (2000). Berlo has collaborated on publications with Native scholars and artists, including Gerald McMaster, Joe Horse Capture, Emil Her Many Horses, Colleen Cutschall, and D. Y. Begay. She has taught Native American art history as a visiting professor at Harvard, Yale, and UCLA, and has received grants from the Guggenheim Foundation, the Getty Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. The symposium was webcast live and recorded at the Rasmuson Theater of the National Museum of the American Indian on November 5, 2015.
Video Duration
15 min 21 sec
YouTube Keywords
Native American Indian Museum Smithsonian "Indigenous Peoples" "Smithsonian Institution" "Smithsonian NMAI" "National Museum of the American Indian"
YouTube Category
Native Americans;American Indians
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National Museum of the American Indian
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