Our community is at the heart of our museum: champions and visionaries who will lend their insights, leadership, and generosity to our shared effort. We invite you to invest in a world-class museum that makes the history of American women accessible to everyone and honors the totality of women’s contributions. 

Individual and Planned Giving

Become an early adopter, honor a loved one, or leave a lasting legacy. There are numerous gift, recognition, and endowment opportunities to explore.

Corporate and Foundation Partnerships

Corporate and foundation partnerships offer substantive engagement opportunities and make a meaningful impact.

Founding Donors

With a gift of $1 million or more, your contribution will reframe our understanding of American women’s accomplishments and recognize the full scope of women’s talent, ability, and potential for the long-term benefit of all Americans.

Charter Members

Members provide invaluable annual support that fuels our growth and sustains momentum. They share a commitment to expanding the story of America. Join today.

Give a Gift in Memory or in Honor

You can give a gift to the museum in memory or in honor of someone special by making a donation or giving the gift of membership. On the form, select “Give in Honor or Memory.” 

To learn more about how you can become involved with the museum, please contact: 

Karri Brady headshot

Karri Brady
Chief Advancement Officer

Prefer to mail your gift? Checks should be made payable to the Smithsonian Institution and mailed to:

Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Women's History Museum
PO Box 418320
Boston, MA 02241-8320

Please add "SAWHM" on the check memo line and include all documentation (forms, letters) related to your gift with your check.

Create a home for women’s history at the Smithsonian with these gift options:

Plan Your Gift to the Museum

Consider including the Museum in your will and estate plans as a legacy gift to the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum’s future.

Bequests provide support that can be a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate. To make a gift in your will or trust, follow these simple steps:

  • Provide your attorney with the following sample language:
    • "I give the [residue of my estate], [__% of the residue of my estate], or [the sum of ___dollars] to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC for the benefit of the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum."
  • Notify us at 888-419-7584 or legacy@si.edu so we can welcome you to the Smithsonian Legacy Society!

Beneficiary Designation

Naming the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum as the beneficiary of a retirement account is a smart way to give. Income from a retirement account is often taxed more heavily than other assets and so may become a liability for your loved ones. 

Because the Museum is tax-exempt, 100 percent of your gift will go toward creating your legacy. You can also name the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, certificate of deposit, bank or brokerage account, as well as a donor-advised fund. To make a gift by beneficiary designation, follow these steps: 

  • Contact your retirement plan administrator, bank, broker, or insurance company and request a beneficiary form. 
  • Write  "Smithsonian Institution, for the benefit of the Smithsonian Women’s History Museum, Washington, DC, Federal Tax ID Number 53-0206027" as a sole, partial, or contingent beneficiary of your account. 
  • Sign and return the beneficiary form to your plan administrator and keep a copy for your files. Notify us at 888-419-7584 or legacy@si.edu so we can welcome you to the Smithsonian Legacy Society!

Gifts of Securities and Stocks

Consider a gift of mutual funds of stocks, appreciated securities or mutual funds.

To make a gift of publicly traded securities to the Smithsonian, contact a Smithsonian advancement officer at 202-633-4300 or giving@si.edu and provide the name of your broker, the name of the stock, and the number of shares you would like to contribute. The advancement officer will advise you on the procedure for completing the gift.

For gifts of closely held stock or controlled stock, please consult with your financial advisor and contact the Office of Advancement at 202-633-4300 or giving@si.edu for further information.

Charitable Gift Annuity

When you create a charitable gift annuity with the Smithsonian Institution, you receive stable annual payments for life and a charitable income tax deduction in the year you make the donation.

A gift annuity is simple and flexible, and it gives you the satisfaction of making a gift that benefits you now and provides future support to the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum.

Contact the Smithsonian Office of Gift Planning at 888-419-7584 or legacy@si.edu for additional information on charitable gift annuities or to chat more about the personal benefits of creating an annuity with the Smithsonian.