Viola Shelly Schantz (1895-1977)

Object Details

Briggs, Frank P. 1894-1992
Schantz, Viola Shelly 1895-1977
National Museum of Natural History (U.S.)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Assistant Secretary of the Interior Frank P. Briggs (1894-1992) presents a citation for distinctive service to Viola Shelly Schantz (1895-1977). She also received the Gold Medal at the Interior Auditorium on that date. Schantz served as a Biological Aide, Biologist, and Systematic Zoologist with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and its predecessor, the Bureau of Biological Survey, from 1918 to 1961. During her career she served as Curator of the North American mammal collection of the Bird and Mammal Laboratories housed in the National Museum of Natural History.
Cite as
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 7288, Image No. SIA2009-2121
Repository Loc.
Smithsonian Institution Archives Capital Gallery, Suite 3000, MRC 507; 600 Maryland Avenue, SW; Washington, DC 20024-2520
Women scientists
Data Source
Smithsonian Institution Archives
Local number
SIA RU007288 [SIA2009-2121]
Black-and-white photographs
Restrictions & Rights
No access restrictions Many of SIA's holdings are located off-site, and advance notice is recommended to consult a collection. Please email the SIA Reference Team at
Physical description
9.5w x 7 5/8h
Record ID