Mary Church Terrell

Object Details

Betsy Graves Reyneau, 1888 - 1964
Mary Church Terrell, 23 Sep 1863 - 24 Jul 1954
Exhibition Label
Born Memphis, Tennessee
Mary Church Terrell’s determination to encourage the development of self-help and social service programs among black women resulted in her founding and presiding over the National Association of Colored Women in 1896. But her life was also dedicated to the achievement of equity for all. Terrell’s influence quickly spread across the nation as she eloquently addressed audiences and composed numerous articles, poems, and short stories, which often embodied the themes of race and gender equity. Her autobiography, A Colored Woman in a White World, was published in 1940. In Washington, Terrell served on the D.C. Board of Education for more than ten years and participated in numerous protests to end segregation in restaurants, hotels, and theaters in the city.
Nacida en Memphis, Tennessee
Decidida a fomentar el desarrollo de programas de servicio social y autoayuda entre las mujeres negras, Mary Church Terrell fundó y presidió la Asociación Nacional de Mujeres de Color en 1896, pero además dedicó su vida a luchar por la igualdad para todas las personas. Su influencia pronto se extendió a lo largo de la nación gracias a sus elocuentes discursos y sus numerosos artículos, poemas y cuentos, que a menudo exponían los temas de la igualdad racial y sexual. Su autobiografía, A Colored Woman in a White World (Una mujer de color en un mundo blanco), se publicó en 1940. En Washington D.C., Terrell fue miembro de la Junta de Educación del distrito durante más de diez años y participó en numerosas protestas contra la segregación racial en restaurantes, hoteles y teatros de la ciudad.
(Ruth Jasper, Ye Olde Cupboard, Miami); purchased 1996 NPG
Catalog card records that it was consigned by the artist’s step-sister.
United States\District of Columbia\Washington
Mary Church Terrell: Female
Mary Church Terrell: Education and Scholarship\Educator\Lecturer
Mary Church Terrell: Education and Scholarship\Educator\Teacher
Mary Church Terrell: Education and Scholarship\Administrator\Board of Education
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National Portrait Gallery Collection
Currently not on view
Credit Line
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
Data Source
National Portrait Gallery
Object number
Restrictions & Rights
Usage conditions apply
© Peter Edward Fayard
Oil on canvas
Stretcher: 61.3 x 46.4 x 2.5cm (24 1/8 x 18 1/4 x 1")
Frame: 76.2 x 61 x 8.9cm (30 x 24 x 3 1/2")
Record ID