Susan B. Anthony

Object Details

1892 (cast 1972)
Cast after
Adelaide Johnson, 26 Sep 1859 - 10 Nov 1955
Modern Art Foundry
Susan Brownell Anthony, 15 Feb 1820 - 13 Mar 1906
Exhibition Label
Born Adams, Massachusetts
Susan B. Anthony began her reform career campaigning against alcohol but soon realized that women had limited ability to promote political and social change without the right to vote. After being forbidden from speaking at a temperance rally because of her gender, Anthony devoted her life to promoting women’s suffrage. Although she was also a prominent abolitionist, Anthony disagreed that African American men should gain voting rights before women. When the Fifteenth Amendment expanded the franchise to Black men but left women out entirely, an outraged Anthony tarnished her reputation by invoking racist stereotypes as supposed evidence of white women’s superior qualifications.
Nacida en Adams, Massachusetts
Susan B. Anthony comenzó su carrera reformista haciendo campaña contra el alcohol, pero pronto se dio cuenta de que, sin derecho al voto, el poder de las mujeres para fomentar cambios sociales y políticos era limitado. Después de prohibírsele hablar en un mitin a favor de la abstinencia por ser mujer, dedicó su vida a promover el sufragio femenino. Aunque fue una abolicionista prominente, no creía que los hombres afroamericanos debían obtener el voto antes que las mujeres. Cuando la 15a Enmienda a la Constitución dio el sufragio a los hombres negros, excluyendo por completo a las mujeres, Anthony, furiosa, manchó su reputación invocando estereotipos racistas como supuesta prueba del mayor mérito de las mujeres blancas.
Modern Art Foundry; purchased NPG 1972
Susan Brownell Anthony: Female
Susan Brownell Anthony: Literature\Writer
Susan Brownell Anthony: Education and Scholarship\Educator\Lecturer
Susan Brownell Anthony: Journalism and Media\Newspaper publisher
Susan Brownell Anthony: Education and Scholarship\Educator\Teacher
Susan Brownell Anthony: Social Welfare and Reform\Reformer\Social reformer\Civil rights activist\Suffragist
Susan Brownell Anthony: Social Welfare and Reform\Reformer\Temperance
Susan Brownell Anthony: Social Welfare and Reform\Reformer\Feminist
See more items in
National Portrait Gallery Collection
Out of Many: Portraits from 1600 to 1900
On View
NPG, East Gallery 112
Credit Line
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
Data Source
National Portrait Gallery
Object number
Restrictions & Rights
Usage conditions apply
With Socle: 60 x 41.9 x 27.9cm (23 5/8 x 16 1/2 x 11")
Record ID