Renée Fleming

Object Details

2008 (printed 2012)
Annie Leibovitz, born 2 Oct 1949
Renée Fleming, born 14 Feb 1959
Exhibition Label
Born Indiana, Pennsylvania
Renowned for her luminous soprano and dynamic stage presence, Renée Fleming is among the world’s most popular opera and concert artists. After winning the prestigious Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions (1988), Fleming appeared with several major opera companies at home and abroad before making her critically acclaimed Metropolitan Opera debut in 1991 as the Countess in Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro. Rather than confining herself to a small range of roles, she has built a diverse repertoire of more than fifty operas over the course of her career. Known as “the people’s diva,” Fleming is a far cry from the prima donnas of old. Although this glamorous image shows her on stage basking in the spotlight, the four-time Grammy winner has frequently ventured beyond the confines of the opera house. She released the indie-rock album Dark Hope (2010), and in 2014 became the first operatic performer to sing the national anthem at the Super Bowl.
Renée Fleming nacida en 1959
Nacida en Indiana, Pensilvania
Célebre por su luminosa voz de soprano y dinámica presencia escénica, Renée Fleming es una de las cantantes de ópera y concierto más populares. A raíz de ganar las prestigiosas audiciones del Metropolitan Opera National Council (1988), comenzó a presentarse con importantes compañías de ópera en Estados Unidos y el exterior, hasta que en 1991 hizo su aclamado debut con la Metropolitan Opera en el papel de la Condesa en Las bodas de Fígaro, de Mozart. En vez de limitarse a pocos roles, ha desarrollado un amplio repertorio de más de cincuenta óperas a lo largo de su carrera. Conocida como “la diva de la gente”, Fleming dista de ser una prima donna al estilo de antaño. Si bien esta glamorosa foto la muestra en el escenario, feliz a la luz de los reflectores, esta ganadora de cuatro premios Grammy a menudo incursiona fuera de la sala de ópera. Ha grabado un disco de rock alternativo titulado Dark Hope (2010) y en 2014 fue la primera cantante de ópera que entonó el himno nacional en el Super Bowl.
Annie Leibovitz (nacida en 1949)
Impresión con pigmento, 2008 (impresa en 2012)
United States\New York\Kings\New York
Interior\Performing Arts\Concert hall
Renée Fleming: Female
Renée Fleming: Performing Arts\Performer\Musician\Singer\Opera singer
Renée Fleming: Performing Arts\Performer\Musician\Singer\Soprano
Renée Fleming: Performing arts awards\Grammy
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National Portrait Gallery Collection
Currently not on view
Credit Line
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
Data Source
National Portrait Gallery
Object number
Restrictions & Rights
Usage conditions apply
© Annie Leibovitz
Pigment print
Sheet: 50.7 x 60.9cm (19 15/16 x 24")
Mat: 55.9 × 71.1cm (22 × 28")
Frame: 56.5 × 71.8 × 3.8cm (22 1/4 × 28 1/4 × 1 1/2")
Record ID