Publications of Sister Helen Sullivan

PhD Dissertation of Sister M. Helen Sullivan. Cover.

Object Details

date made
Sullivan, Sister Helen
Sister M. Helen Sullivan donated items to the Smithsonian on the occasion of the August 31, 1981, meeting honoring American women in mathematics. Among these materials were several of her publications.
1993.3019.06.01. Her doctoral dissertation: The Number and Reality of the Non-Self-Symmetric Quadrilaterals In-and-Circumscribed to the Rational Unicuspidal Quartic with a Line of Symmetry, (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America, 1934).
1993.3019.06.02. Typewritten and bound text: The Christian Approach to Science: A Philosophic Integration for Science Majors in Liberal Arts Colleges. This text was used in a class Sullivan taught at Loyola University during the summer of 1949.
1993.3019.06.03. Published book: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, (New York: Vantage Press, Inc., 1952).
1993.3019.06.04. Spiral-bound copy of her published book An Introduction to the Philosophy of Natural and Mathematical Sciences (1993.3019.06.03) with “Additional Suggested Readings and Bibliography (Revised List – 1960).”
1993.3019.06.05. Carbon copy of a typescript, “Undergraduate Research in Mathematics.” Sullivan presented this paper at a meeting of the American Benedictine Academy in Canon City, Colorado, August 1961.
1993.3019.06.06. Carbon copy of a typescript, “Undergraduate Research in Mathematics in Catholic Colleges for Women.” Sullivan presented the paper at a meeting of the American Benedictine Academy in St. Josesph, Minnesota, August 1965.
1993.3019.06.07. Copy of a typescript with a removable hard cover, “Geometric Transformations.” A unit produced by the College Geometry Project, Minnesota School Mathematics and Science Center, University of Minnesota, under a grant from the National Science Foundation, August 1966.
1993.3019.06.08. Syllabus for a course, MA 465 Modern Geometry, taught by Sullivan at Mount St. Scholastica College during the first semester of the academic year 1969–70.
1993.3019.06.09. Copy of an article, “Catholicism in Ireland, As I See It,” The Furrow 22 (Fall 1971): 615-21. This was published in an Irish journal shortly after Sister Helen Sullivan spent a sabbatical year at University College, Galway.
Currently not on view
place made
United States: Kansas, Atchison
web subject
Women's History
See more items in
Medicine and Science: Mathematics
Women Mathematicians
Science & Mathematics
Credit Line
Collected for the Museum from Sister Helen Sullivan
Data Source
National Museum of American History
ID Number
nonaccession number
catalog number
Object Name
documents, group of 9
Physical Description
paper (overall material)
overall: 6.5 cm x 25 cm x 32 cm; 2 9/16 in x 9 27/32 in x 12 19/32 in
Record ID