Segment 3A, Building Herizon

Object Details
Collection Collector
Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Collection Donor
Becker, John M.
Gay Officers Action League. GOAL
Heritage of Pride (HOP)
Collection Creator
Hirsch, Leonard
Guest, Barbara
Barna, Joseph T.
Guest, Michael E.
Collection Donor
Rohrbaugh, Richard
Collection Creator
Cruse, Howard, 1944-2019
Collection Donor
Atlantic States Gay Rodeo Association (ASGRA)
See more items in
Archives Center Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Collection
Archives Center Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Collection / Series 23: Brown, Adele "Del" and Herizon Social Club / 23.2: Audiovisual Materials (Addendum) / Segment 3, Building Herizon
1 Film reel (black-and-white, silent, original reversal, 16mm; 900 feet)
Reel OF 1146.3
Archival Repository
Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Archival materials
Moving Images
Film reels
Collection Citation
Archives Center Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Collection, Archives Center, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution
Collection Rights
Collection items available for reproduction, but the Archives Center makes no guarantees concerning copyright restrictions. Other intellectual property rights may apply. Archives Center cost-recovery and use fees may apply when requesting reproductions.
Scope and Contents
Three reels of original b-roll unedited home movie footage, compiled onto one larger reel. Notes transcribed from original housing. First Segment: September and October 1983, "Moving In" from the U-haul storage unit around the corner. Clean up of Binghamton Boxing Club space, located next door to the HAMC (Hell's Angels Motor Club), preparing the new Herizon space at 213 State Street, greeting Herizon members at our first event in the new space: an "Afternoon Opening" brunch and mingle. All three windows are open and uncovered, bringing natural light into the space. Second Segment: September and October 1983, a "Pre-Party" in the new space with Herizon working members taking a break from clean up and construction to try out the soon-to-be-built DJ booth, not-yet-built bar, performance stage, and the dance floor, which was ready to roll from day one. Third Segment: October 1983, construction at 213 State Street, includes the old club sign behind the bar (from 77 State Street), and building exteriors. November 1984 (one year later), documents the tear-down of the well-built performance stage following a legal dispute with the church property in the back (Herizon's fire exit opened onto the church parking lot.) The church would not allow the Herizon exit stair to touch their property, so the fire exit had to remain at ground level, requiring part of the stage to be de-constructed and removed.
Collection Restrictions
The collection is open for research use. Researchers must handle unprotected photographs with gloves. Researchers must use reference copies of audio-visual materials. When no reference copy exists, the Archives Center staff will produce reference copies on an "as needed" basis, as resources allow. Do not use original materials when available on reference video or audio tapes.
Large EAD
Record ID