Personal Papers

Object Details
Collection Donor
Wise, Brownie Humphrey, 1913-1991
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Brownie Wise Papers
circa 1928-1968
Archival Repository
Archives Center, National Museum of American History
NMAH.AC.0509, Series 1
Archival materials
Collection Citation
Brownie Wise Papers, 1938-1968, Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Collection Rights
Collection items available for reproduction, but the Archives Center makes no guarantees concerning copyright restrictions. Other intellectual property rights may apply. Archives Center cost-recovery and use fees may apply when requesting reproductions.
Scope and Contents
Series 1: Personal Papers, circa 1928-1968. A scrapbook touches on her life as a girl in the 1920s. Souvenir photographs of the 1936 Texas Centennial Exhibition at which she met her future husband, letterhead of his Detroit business, travel postcards, war ration books, income tax returns and a scrapbook chronicling her writings under the penname Hibiscus for the Detroit News, give a glimpse into her life during the late 1930s and early 1940s. For the 1950s, there are records of taxes and household expenses. The collection also includes some of her 1940s and 1950s dress patterns; as a woman in the public eye, Wise's trim figure and fashionable attire were much discussed.
Collection Restrictions
Collection is open for research.
Record ID