In Chinese 英國戰艦 / 新式英國"佑治王五世"戰艦

[In Chinese] 英國戰艦 / 新式英國"佑治王五世"戰艦

Object Details
Local numbers
Princeton Poster# 8981
British warship New British "?" Battleship British aircraft carrier British submarine attacking Japanese delivery vessel British warship shooting British warships British sea-swept ship destroys mines British patrol ships stops Japanese ships at night British cruiser repels Japanese air strikes British torpedo ship release torpedoes British aircraft carrier at night British 60-caliber fires shots British merchant ship unloading marine transportation supplies British warships shooting at the Japanese army British maritime airship Remnants of the a German small battleship British underwater bomb destroys Japanese submarine British defender returning home A British Navy Bomber British warships releasing a torpedo against Japanese ships British aircraft releasing torpedoes British warship crashed into Japanese submarine Takeoff aircraft on British warships British destroyer British destroyer departs into the smoke screen The British team British Navy aircraft bombing Japanese army British merchant ship confronted Japanese army British aircraft bombing enemy ships British destroyer defends the combat teams
Printing Info
Specimen of British War Literature
Collection Creator
Princeton University
Great Britain
Morale and propaganda
World War, 1939-1945
See more items in
Princeton University Poster Collection
Princeton University Poster Collection / Series 4: World War Two / 4.6: Great Britain
Digitization of the Princeton University Poster Collection was a collaboration of Google Arts and Culture and the Smithsonian Institution's Digitization Program Office. Catalog records were transcribed by digital volunteers through the Smithsonian Institution Transcription Center.
1 Item
Condition: Excellent
Box 44, Folder 4
Archival Repository
Archives Center, National Museum of American History
Archival materials
Collection Citation
Princeton University Posters Collection, Archives Center, National Museum of American History.
Collection Rights
Copyright status of items varies. Collection items available for reproduction, but the Archives Center makes no guarantees concerning copyright restrictions. Other intellectual property rights may apply. Archives Center cost-recovery and use fees may apply when requesting reproductions.
Scope and Contents
[In Chinese] 英國戰艦 新式英國"佑治王五世"戰艦 英國航空機母艦 英國潛水艇攻擊日本運送船隻 英國戰艦疾時射擊 英國戰艦諸礮齊發 英國掃海艦擊裂水雷 英國巡哨船夜間停止日本船隻 英國巡洋艦擊退日軍空中襲擊 英國摩托魚雷艇疾駛時射魚雷 英國航空機母艦在夜間 英國時60口徑礮射擊 英國商船卸落海上運輸之戰用品 英國戰艦上礮手隊射擊日軍 英國飛艇 德國小戰艦"司彼伯爵"之殘餘 英國水中炸彈擊毁日本潛水艇 英國䕶衞艦歸國 英國海軍疾降轟炸機 英國戰艦對日本船隻射放魚類 英國航空機擲下魚雷 英國戰艦撞毁日本潛水艇 英國戰艦上起飛航空機 英國驅逐艦疾駛 英國驅逐艦出發烟幕 英國礮手隊之一份 英國海軍飛機轟炸日軍 英國商船戰鬭日軍 英國航空機轟炸敵艦 英國驅逐艦䕶衛襲擊隊
Collection Restrictions
Collection is open for research but is stored off-site and special arrangements must be made to work with it. Contact the Archives Center for information at or 202-633-3270.
Related Materials
Different language version(s): 8968
Large EAD
Record ID