4c Martha Washington single

Object Details

January 15, 1923
Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Martha Custis Washington, American, 1732 - 1802
mint; perf 11
Martha Washington
USA Scott 556
Issued: 1923
American 1732-1802
Martha Dandridge Custis Washington was born on a Virginia plantation in 1732. Her father was a wealthy planter and slave owner, prominent in Williamsburg society. At the age of 18, she married Daniel Park Custis, with whom she had four children, two of whom died in childhood. Custis died in 1757, leaving Martha a wealthy, but young, widow. She met and married George Washington two years later.
During the winters of the Revolutionary War, Martha Washington traveled to army camps, both to support her husband and to aid the troops by sewing, rolling bandages, and organizing women's efforts surrounding the camps. In the spring and summer, she returned home to the Washingtons' estate, Mount Vernon, to raise food and supplies for the war effort. After the war, the Washingtons planned to retire peacefully to Mount Vernon, but George was elected president in 1788.
As First Lady, Martha was surprised by the interest the public took in her appearance, demeanor, and activities, but she quickly adapted to her official duties as the young nation's hostess. Her welcoming nature added much to the feeling that the presidential couple was not royalty, but citizens like all other Americans.
At the end of Washington's second term as president, the couple returned to Mount Vernon. Always a private woman, when George died of pneumonia in 1799, Martha destroyed virtually all of their correspondence. She, herself, died three years later. They are buried together in a simple tomb designed by George at Mount Vernon.
United States of America
U.S. Stamps
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National Postal Museum
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Postage Stamps
paper; ink (yellow brown); adhesive / engraving
Record ID