Community Story Submission Terms and Conditions

Thank you for your interest in the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum’s storytelling initiative. We believe that we all benefit from a deeper historical understanding of our nation.

This storytelling initiative will feature images, videos and stories from the community on our website and social media channels. The Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum invites you to participate in this initiative by sharing your personal story of a woman who inspired you to think differently, whether it’s a woman in your family, a woman in your community, or a woman from history.

To participate, complete the form at with your story accompanied by an image or video if applicable and select the boxes to agree to the following terms and conditions:

You are at least 18 years old and are voluntarily submitting your story accompanied by an image or video if applicable, including your name, likeness, and statements . (If you are under the age of 18, you must submit your story through a parent or legal guardian.)

Submit only what is yours to share, so that the Smithsonian may use your submission without the need for any additional permissions. Do not submit other people’s copyrighted material or information. (Important exception: If you are a parent or legal guardian submitting on behalf of your child or ward, mention that in your email or in the story submission form.)

Submit only what you are comfortable with sharing publicly.  Do not submit personal or other information that you would not want made public. Understand that if the Smithsonian shares your story publicly on social media sites, those operate independently of the Smithsonian and user commentary with which you disagree could be associated with your story. If selected for use in the Initiative, the Smithsonian will only post online your first name and last initial. However, personal (contact) information Smithsonian collects from this site will be subject to

By making a submission, you hereby irrevocably grant a royalty-free license to the Smithsonian to use it in whole or part in connection with this public storytelling initiative, as well as standard museum uses. This license includes the right to use and reproduce your submission in whole or in part, make derivative works based upon, publicly perform and display, and distribute your submission in all forms of media related to this story telling initiative and in connection with other standard museum uses. Standard museum uses includes but are not limited to uses in connection with exhibitions, public programming, archival use, research, philanthropic-fundraising, publications, publicity, websites, and social media uses on Smithsonian platforms and on those where the Smithsonian maintains a presence. At the end of the Project, the Contribution will be archived or disposed of according to then-applicable Smithsonian record retention and archiving policies and practices.

Do not submit files that contain anything harmful on them (e.g. computer viruses), or stories that are off-topic, partisan-political, or use expletives, or that otherwise violate the rules at, which are incorporated here by reference. You are solely responsible for your submission and any consequences of submitting it. Moreover, you waive any expectation of privacy you may have in connection with your submission. You hereby hold harmless and release the Smithsonian from any and all liability arising out of any claims, demands, or injury of any kind, arising out of the use your submission as set forth herein, including but not limited to any claims for copyright infringement, defamation, invasion of privacy, or right of publicity.

Once you make a submission, the Smithsonian reviews it for compliance with these rules. The Smithsonian may, but is not obliged to, edit submissions for grammar, spelling, and/or insignificant profanity. You understand that the Smithsonian has the sole discretion in determining whether to include your submission in this public story telling initiative, or otherwise use it, in whole or in part, and the Smithsonian is under no obligation to keep, share, or in any way use any submission. The Smithsonian also may contact you to request additional information about your story.

If you have questions about any aspect of these terms and conditions, you may contact the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum at the following address for clarification: