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Shelley Niro: 500 Year ItchMay 27, 2023 – January 1, 2024American Indian Museum New York
Shelley Niro: 500 Year Itch celebrates more than a half century of Shelley Niro’s paintings, photographs, mixed-media works, and films.
Annie PootoogookJune 13, 2009 – October 10, 2010American Indian Museum New York
Visit 39 works that chronicle the social, economic, and cultural realities of Inuit life in the Canadian North by Annie Pootoogook (Inuit, b. 1969).
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- Clear(-) excludedMuseum / Unit: Portrait Gallery
- Clear(-) excludedMuseum / Unit: Cooper Hewitt
- Clear(-) excludedCategory: Science and Nature
- Clear(-) excludedMuseum / Unit: American History Museum
- Clear(-) excludedMuseum / Unit: S. Dillon Ripley Center
- Clear(-) excludedCategory: History and Culture
- ClearMuseum / Unit: American Indian Museum New York