Write Her Name in History

March 6, 2019
Elizabeth Sabin Goodwin

Unidentified photographer, Portrait of Elizabeth Sabin Goodwin (1902-1980), Washington, D.C., artist and illustrator. Courtesy Smithsonian Institution Archives.

We're working on the nation's most comprehensive endeavor to document, research, collect, display and share the complex and compelling story of women in America—and our success depends on you.

Working together we can "Write Her Name in History."

You don't have to be a history expert or a tech whiz—but you do have to have a passion for empowering future generations by telling a more complete American story.

Here's how:

Got 10 seconds? Join the #BecauseOfHerStory community by !

Got two minutes? Share a #BecauseOfHerStory social media post or follow along on our recent social media tour of three exhibitions about how women advocated for the right to vote.

Twelve minutes? Help transcribe the handwritten research notes of groundbreaking women in science, tech and art.

Two hours? Learn how to improve Wikipedia articles on women who advocated for equal pay in connection with the National Museum of American History's All Work and No Pay: A History of Women's Invisible Labor display.

Get social

Join us on InstagramFacebook, or Twitter to share #BecauseOfHerStory updates, tapping your networks to inform and inspire younger generations. Be the first to hear about an upcoming social media day focusing on voting history by !

An Equitable Wikipedia

Wikipedia is created and edited by volunteers around the world--and you could be one of them. The Smithsonian regularly hosts Wikipedia workshops and edit-a-thons in which Smithsonian staff and Wikimedia DC volunteers help participants learn new Wikipedia skills. Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to find out about upcoming hands-on learning opportunities.

No Wikipedia editing skills are required for the National Museum of American History's All Work and No Pay edit-a-thon on July 12, 2019. Bring your laptop to the museum to learn how to edit or, if you don't live nearby and know your way around Wikipedia, join us remotely by editing articles on the worklist. 

On Friday, April 5, 2019, workshop participants learned and practiced Wikipedia skills while expanding Wikipedia articles about the women featured in the National Portrait Gallery's Votes for Women: A Portrait of Persistence. The three-hour workshop resulted in 1 new article, 29 article edited, 2,440 words added, and 10 image uploads--and over 20 new volunteers motivated and skilled up to continue this work.

During the April 5 workshop, images from the Votes for Women exhibition were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and added to corresponding biographies about women involved in the suffrage movement. For example, we were able to update the lead image of Sojourner Truth, which has been viewed over 60,000 times since the day of the edit-a-thon.

Wondering where are all the women in natural history? Our #HerNaturalHistory Wikipedia Editing Workshop in March 2019 resulted in 50 articles edited, five new articles created, 14 images uploaded, 140 total edits and 75 people in Washington, D.C., and around the world energized to increase the visibility of women in science. There's more to be done—follow Biodiversity Heritage Library on Twitter or Instagram to stay in touch with future projects.

Think too many women artists are unsung? Correct the record. The Smithsonian American Art Museum's Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon: Feminism and the Arts in March 2019, did just that: 12 articles were improved, two created and 14 new Wikipedians trained and inspired to elevate the voices of women.

A Transcribing Challenge

The Smithsonian Transcription Center brings women's research, notes, journals, letters and audio clips to light year-round for anyone to help transcribe. You can help make these records searchable online whether you have a few minutes or hours. Join this community with women's history transcription projects.

Stay in touch

Opportunities to join #BecauseOfHerStory projects will continue way beyond Women's History Month.  to make sure you don't miss out!